Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hi Everyone-

I am in Michigan for the first time in a month and I'm so happy to see that Mom is making progress. Though we still have a long road ahead of us , we have come such a long way. Mom is working daily with Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapists. Each one is doing a tremendous job and encouraging Mom to get better each day. Mom is slowly able to utter words like "Hi" and "Sure". Though her voice is faint, it is wonderful to hear it for the first time in months. She recognizes her family, which I am incredibly grateful for, as well as some close family friends that have visited.

Patrick made a visit today, which Mom really enjoyed. I get to stay through Tuesday before I have to head back to work in DC. Shannon is fighting a cold so she stayed away this weekend and William is on a trip with School. It has been great to spend the weekend with Mom and Grandma, who as everyone knows has been this family's rock and glue.

I have to extend a grand thank you to everyone who is still interested in Mom's recovery and I speak for my Mom and our entire family when I thank everyone for all the prayers and blessings that have been showered upon us over the past six months.

Now that Grandma and I have the password to get on this site, we will be better at updating everyone.

Thank you and God Bless!

Jennifer Nelson


  1. I am so happy to hear of Carol's progress. She has been working so hard. The prayers are continuing for Carol and for all of you. Pat you are truly remarkable and what a role model for your children and grandchildren.
    With Love from Texas, Mary Caverly

  2. Jennifer,
    I enjoyed my visit with your mom on thursday and I very pleased with the progress. She has difficulty speaking with the trach in but Pat said that will be coming out this week. Best to you and the clan. bill rolinski

  3. I am very glad to hear of continued progress. Thanks for posting for us. Betty Moore

  4. You all are in our thoughts and prayers daily

    The Collins Family

  5. We think of Carol often and are glad that she is making progress; blessings to your family. Don and Helen Crandall

  6. I am so glad to hear of Carol's improvements. You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I know Carol is working hard at getting better. Take care of yourselves. God Bless. Kathy Crawfis

  7. So happy to get the posting and the good news on how far Carol has come along. Good hard work pays off!

    You are in our thoughts and prayers 24-7.

    Love you, Aunt Bev and Uncle Jim

  8. Every day we remember Carol and her devoted family in prayer and are thankful for her progress. Thank you for the updates.

    Fred and Faye Kwapis

  9. We continue to think of Carol each day and know that we are soo happy to hear how well she is doing. You are always in our daily thoughts and prayers. She must be so proud of her children and all the love she is receiving from everyone.
    Thinking of you all.

    Ray and Mary Ellen Dennis
    Carmel, Indiana
