Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To all of the 'snowbirds' in Fla and elsewhere
and to all of us who stayed in Gaylord or surrounds,
happy spring!
Carol is progressing a little each day. Therapy is
getting more developmental and we are trying to
keep the hand brace on more at night and nap time.
She tried a few notes on the piano and seemed to
really like that. I'll take in the lap top and see
if she likes the 'hunt and peck' on the keyboard.
She got beautiful roses this week and is ready
for SPRING! Thanks to all.
Nelson Snyder family

1 comment:

  1. Carol, I still continue to check your progress & am so happy to hear that slowly but surely you continue to improve. Keep up the hard work! God Bless you & yours during your recovery.

