Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hello to all,
We have good news. Carol is going to Gaylord Monday Dec. 7th. She will be at TENDERCARE
Nursing Facility in Gaylord as an in patient. We are happy that she can get back 'up north'
and will be able to see some new faces and friends. Visiting willl be limited until we get her settled and readjusted to a new schedule but she is anxious to move to her new facility.
Carol has been doing better each day and we think this is a good move for her.
Thanks for all of the letters, cards and thoughts and prayers - we know many of you keep her in your prayers and we can only say THANK YOU - they(the prayers) are working as we see improvement every day.
Ron and William took care of the Saturday and Sunday care and we sure appreciate that.
See you in Gaylord after Tuesday.

Nelson and Snyder Families


  1. What wonderful news for all of the Nelson/Snyder family and friends..May God continue to walk with you and Carol and bless your Christmas.
    Warmest Regards, Judith

  2. Hi Carol, We saw your Dad at candle service in Gaylord today. He is so happy about you coming to Gaylord, & we are too. It will be so nice to see you, once you get settled in. Wow, April to December is a long time to be away.... We pray every day for you and are so happy you are doing great!! Keep up the good work & see you soon!! Love, Len & Marcie Latuszek

  3. Can't believe the great news. Exciting and before Christmas at that, you can all take a breath of relief. God is great!!

  4. Great news! Safe travels "home" to Gaylord..

  5. Welcome home, Carol! Betty Moore

  6. Wonderful news, absolutely and positively, wonderful news.
    How terrific for you and your fine family - prayers will not stop, seems God has heard us.
    Gee, what a wonderful Christmas you'll be having home in Gaylord.
    Carol, I'm sending hugs to you and your family as a token of my happiness at this fantastic news.
    May God continue to bless all of you.
    Welcome home!
    Lorraine Elpers

  7. You are in our continued prayers Carol and family. We are excited by the news.

    Welcome Home!

  8. Carol, you and your family are never far from our thoughts and prayers. I know that just being in Gaylord, close to all who love you is healing in itself. Our love to all of you.
    Chet and Mary Szymanski and Family
